Gokul Pithe


For the filling:

  • Milk 2 litres
  • Coconut 200 gms
  • Sugar 50 gms

For the batter

  • Flour 150 gms
  • Sodium bicarbonate 1/2 tsp
  • Ghee 40 gms
  • Water 200 ml

For the syrup

  • Water 500 ml
  • Sugar 250 gms



Ghee for deep frying

Making the syrup Take the sugar and water in a pan and heat them together.
Allow it to simmer until the syrup assumes a medium thick consistency.
Now, remove it from heat and let it cool down.

Take care that the syrup has the consistency of a soft ball.
Making the filling To make the filling, take the shredded coconut, kheer and sugar in a pan and fry them together.

Wait till all the ingredients are mixed well.

Keep stirring to prevent the sugary coconut kheer filling from getting stuck at the base of the pan.

Remove from flame and keep aside.
Making the cakes If you wish to prepare 25 cakes, first divide the cooked coconut kheer mixture into 25 parts.
Roll each portion into a ball and compress it between the palms so as to give it the shape of a cake.

Do the same for each of the 25 portions.
It is suggested that you powder your palms with flour since it facilitates the making of the cakes.

Making the batter Mix all the ingredients of the batter in a bowl.
For deep frying, take ghee in a kadai and heat it.
Take a few coconut milk cakes at a time and coat them with the above prepared batter.
Deep fry them till they look rich and turn golden brown in color.

Take them out of the pan with the help of a slotted spoon.

To drain the excess oil, place the fried cakes on a paper.

Leave them for a few minutes.

Repeat the same process for all the cakes.
Now, dip the cakes in the syrup, while they are still rather hot.
It’s time for you to savor the Gokul Piths!
Maa Durga

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